Announcement: Project 01

{ Tuesday, 30 September 2008 }
As you all have known, we handed in a proposal to the AR about the project that we are planning to do during the convocation month. I've just been told that the project has been approved. Yay!!

So... start collecting all those recyclable materials you guys!!!

And also we're thinking of making a pyramid-like structure with an arch in the middle of it. The AR wanted us to be creative and maybe you guys can come up with something more creative than this. 

Leave a comment or e-mail us if you have any other suggestions but please bare in mind that the structure must be:

1. Stable
2. Can withstand wind, rain etc. and lastly
3. Creative

Okay guys, put on that thinking hats of yours.

'Till next time..



{ Wednesday, 24 September 2008 }
Hello!! Welcome to Environment and Welfare committee's blog. Here, we will be posting announcements, reports of our activities, and any interesting articles that we found that are related to the objectives of our committee. 

To the members of the committee, please try to visit this blog as often as you can. We are thinking of making this blog as the official place for announcements and such. 

The other members of BPM FASS are also welcome, here you will find announcements of activities that you can participate in. 

If you have any suggestions or feedbacks about the activities, please do leave comments or email us at

Have a good day everyone!!